Friday, October 11, 2013

Late night thoughts on a futon

Been awhile. A lot has happened in the last three weeks or so. To sort of sum it all up, I'm back in the city that I started. Literally, the city I started. I was born in this fucking city and I've been here my entire life except for the four years that I spent away for schooling. This city is repulsive to me. Most everyone is the same here. 

You know what to expect to see and hear when you go out in public. A 'happy' young resident of this city would probably ascribe these three characteristics to it: there's a great night life if you know where to go, lots of success driven people working upstanding corporate jobs, and a fabulous police force that keeps the area safe. Fuck all that.

The city I live in is this materialistic, utilitarian, clean area with a bunch of brainwashed assholes in it. Even the Starbucks here bother me more than the other ones off the interstate from my travels. There was always the chance of meeting someone interesting there.

Ok, so the night life- I think just the phrase "night life" might be enough to sway enough people that it's shit, and a miserable way to spend a Friday night. I mean if you are into listening to shitty radio music, drinking highly overpriced whiskey cokes, and having to talk loudly over the music, then hell, you'll probably have a great time. Maybe if you're lucky, you'll be able to get into a riveting conversation with some douche who is anxiously awaiting taking over his dad's management consulting company, which he'll show you is conveniently located a finger-point away. He'll probably talk your head off about it. There's this unspoken way to be/act/present yourself/talk in this city and it makes me sick to my stomach. Sometimes when I've gone out, I find myself talking to a person like the one I just described. I can recall just bullshitting everything I said to the guy. I could tell he wasn't listening anyway so I just decided fuck it. 

I've been back in this city now for 2 weeks and have already had 3 encounters with cops. My city pours a shitton of money into its police force for seemingly nothing but for fancier SUV vehicles, uniforms, and better traffic control for church traffic on Sundays. The crime rate is so low here that the cops just troll the streets looking for people to write a ticket for a headlight out or for making a wide right turn. 

Wow, I am really bitching a lot right now. Sorry about that? Maybe I'm a bit jaded towards this city because of the miserable time I've spent here. I'm really frustrated and am feeling very lonely to be back. Oh, and did I mention that I don't have a job yet. Well, I don't have a job yet.

On a positive note, I'm slowly writing and editing a short fiction story that I hope I can get to turn out the way I want it to. I've never had education that focused on writing, but I have always liked to write. However, I'm not a very consistent writer (as you can maybe tell :P). Who knows, maybe I can get a stable job/living situation sooner rather than later so that I can pursue my writing more. 

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